
MARCH 12, 2023

Le Nalpa Team Relay 2023 Results

Report from the Principal Race Officer, Chris Tyerman

We had quite a fun relay race yesterday.  It wasn’t looking good in the morning, rain showers had passed through, putting a shine on the surface and caking our shoes up as we walked the track, looking for the most useable parts to sail on.  But with the persistent wind and sunshine we had quite a nice track by midday and Le Nalpa was on.  

For those who’ve not seen it before, this relay race starts with the greener co-pilot in the seat stationary at a line ten metres back from the start.  On the signal, the pilot gives them the fastest push start to the line they can muster, and the co-pilot then completes a few laps.  On their last lap, instead of passing through the line, they head upwind to where the pilots are gathered and stop for a pilot change-over and another push-start.  The veteran skipper then completes the race.

It was good to see the newer pilots figure things out as they completed their laps.  Thanks to the Gregs for helping figure out a good course for the conditions, the changeover spot in particular worked well, and going downwind from Tram Trash can be interesting and technical.

Le Nalpa Team Relay Race 2023 Results
Pilot & Co-pilotOverall Score
Steve Arthur & John Brolese8
Rob Edwards & Yolande9
Mike Dale & Cameron11
Chris Tyerman & Scott12
Greg Devine and Willow16
David Knight & Neil19
Greg Peake & Yolande25

Annual Events

The Club offers a family-friendly, low pressure, introduction to sailing on land. Social sailing is scheduled regularly, as well as regular race meetings.  Below are three annual events that we run by popular demand.

Team Relay

Each club member invites a friend to “come-and-try” Blokarting in a series of team races. The new-comer races first, completing 3 laps.  Then, there is a quick change-over behind the start line.  The experienced club-member jumps in, buckles up and finishes the race, over 4 laps. This relay race is repeated several times to find the winning team.

A practice sail is available for the newbies before the event.

The Briefing by Phillip
Oldie shows Newbie 'the ropes'
Before the Pre-Start
Rob and Caitlin receiving their award
We were all 'Winners' - Peter ("Chucky") and Alek

“Le Nalpa” Team Marathon  (A Relay Race with a ‘Le Mans’ start)

A new twist on an old theme.  Now, the newbies are stationary in a line 10 metres before the start line.  The experienced club-members are lined up a further 10 metres back.  At the start signal, the ‘oldie’ runs to their corresponding newbie’s Blokart, pushes them to the start line, and releases. The newbie completes their required laps.  Following a quick change-over behind the start line (no forward movement before buckling up – by order of the PRO!), the oldie takes over and completes their nominated laps.  So much fun, we repeat the whole sequence several times! 

Link to Le Nalpa Team Marathon via You Tube


Located at Kingston in the Sth. East of Sth. Australia is a heritage lake of limestone mixture, measuring 5km x 1.8km.  Its surface is like a billiard table and very fast.  Nadzab is situated 11km north of Kingston on the main highway.

We hold our annual pilgrimage to the Lake at the end of January each year which is also supported by members from other interstate Clubs and is a family event.

A feature event is the night sail where sailors decorate their sail vehicles with lights of all shapes and colours.  We call this colourful display “The Knights of Kingston”.

Everyone is welcome to sail the Lake with their Blokarts, Land yachts and Kite Buggies, it is a fun weekend and a great time of fellowship. We are so thankful to the owner of the property, Ian, to allow us this special privilege.

A huge Lake – Plenty of space for everyone
Line-up Sunday
Knights of Kingston – 1
Knights of Kingston – 2

RECENT EVENT at Lake NadzabJANUARY  28, 29, 30, 2022

From Phillip Levi (President/Secretary)

Greetings Members

Some short notes on the fabulous weekend we had at Kingston this year on Lake Nadzab.

We had 26 Blokarts and 2 land-yachts in total on the Lake plus there were about another 8 Blokarts that sailed at the beach.

I think I counted around 11 sailors who crossed the border from Victoria who said they had a fantastic time with us. Several good contacts were made and a great time of fellowship had by all.

Even the owner of the Lake came for a look and could not refuse a sail when I told him it was time he gave a Blokart a try.  He sailed for 25 minutes and came back with a ‘blokart smile’.  He made the comment that he now understands clearly why we like to visit and enjoy his pristine Lake.

Our night sail was extremely satisfying, not only was it a spectacular sight but the wind was still up and blowing around 20kts.  I think we finished sailing around 10.30 pm and had a ball of fun.

The several sails we had to the top of the Lake and back during the day were very fast and exciting, a few slip-and-slides on the way back near the middle of the Lake but all good.

Back to the pub that night for some good food and chats about the day and we look forward to next year!

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